Zucchini Crumble/Crisp

Hello Titus 2 sisters! 

Here's a zucchini crumble recipe:-) (tastes like apple crumble). A sister first mentioned it to me awhile ago and I'm finally getting to sharing it here. It's only the second time I have made it though. 

I would call this a rare treat myself due to the amount of sweetener needed to help it work but all depends on people's preferences I guess. The lemon juice helps make the zucchini taste like apple. 

8 cups zucchini peeled, halved lengthwise and sliced thinly

⅓ cup lemon juice

½ cup sugar (or stevia) 

1 tsp ground nutmeg

2 tsp ground cinnamon



1 cup brown sugar packed, (or stevia substitute) 

½ cup butter (or coconut oil) 

1 cup all-purpose flour (or almond flour which I used) 

1 cup oats 

(note on the zucchini...use small ones. Not sure if the giant ones would work. You'd have to get out all the seeds if you wanted to try.) 

To make sure the zucchini ends up well cooked in the end, I cooked it in a saucepan for about 15 minutes first, with the sugar (or stevia), lemon juice, nutmeg, and cinnamon. 

Then I needed 2 tbsp of cornflour to thicken it up at the end of cooking. Depends how juicy your zucchinis are. Just mix the cornflour in a tiny bit of water before adding. 

Make the crumble topping by adding all ingredients together and using your fingers to incorporate the butter (or coconut oil). 

Place zucchini into a dish and top with the crumbs... 

Bake in a moderate oven until top is golden. (20-30 minutes) 


God be praised for all He provides. Most of all thankful for spiritual food! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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