Today's Encouragement (16 March 2022)

Greetings sister saints! 

Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart. They also do no iniquity: they walk in his ways.

Psalm 119:1-3

That's what we sisters are striving for...seeking after our Lord with our whole heart and keeping His ways...departing from iniquity. We know to sin is to bring reproach and blasphemy against His holy name. But we keep pressing on, not growing weary in well doing, overcoming, leaving the past behind and looking ahead, resisting the devil, clinging to the truth, and so many other things. It's true the New Testament is packed full of action words for us to act upon. It's not a passive faith where God does everything for us. I know it's not passive because we still have our flesh to overcome. But it is only through His power and truth and Spirit that we can be overcomers! And of course we could only hope to make it in the blood of the Lamb! 

So I'm back here just sharing a simple bit of encouragement for my godly sisters. I had a good day with much garden and sewing planning and the other usual things. I'm sure you know that we do or share many of the same things daily. But that's good because as a sister mentioned the other day, it's all good things and we aren't doing or sharing wickedness or false ways from all of our pasts. Glory to God that those are gone (and we hate them!) and we are all new in Christ with pure hearts seeking and longing after Him! 

Saw this spider in the garden... 

And we got a little of that strange stuff from the sky...they call it 'rain'. Lol but it's such a blessing here! 

I'm thankful for it and definitely thankful without it too. It doesn't matter to me though it is definitely a needed thing. I'm just so thankful to not be in hell justly suffering God's wrath. Instead...because of Christ I can get God's love and all of us who are in Him can also, and a home with Him to come if we endure until the end!  

Beautiful sunset this evening... 

More glory to God in it all! 

Some of the sister scripture sharing from the day. I greatly appreciate my godly sisters in the Lord. Our focus is on Him and His Word and what He would have us to do. 

And time of work is almost done and it will be time to rest up for if the Lord gives me another day. 

So I hope my sisters' days go well in the work you have to do:-) You sisters that I know are very good helper servants! That's what God created us to be! It glorifies Him when we submit to His plan for us even when we don't always understand or know why we have to do things. We trust much to God and as it says in scripture (on what Mary did)...keep things in our hearts and ponder them there. 

I know if we focus on what we should, what we shouldn't focus on does oftentimes vanish away or at least grows smaller. And we can overlook things more easily such as physical weaknesses if we focus on the Lord, doing our work unto Him, and sharing our lives with those we love in the Lord.

Stand strong my sister soldier saints! Keep looking forward and upward! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

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