Today's Encouragement (15 March 2022)


Greetings sister saints! 

...followers of God, that's a big calling isn't it! But we sisters take it seriously. We know He is holy and righteous and that's what we are striving after as commanded also. 

If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.

1 John 2:29

Paul also has an admonition for us...

Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:

Philippians 3:17-18

Made an audio for you with psalm readings... 

Amen that is our desire isn't it sisters! It shapes all we do and nothing should get in the way of us seeking and loving Him should it! Otherwise we are not worthy of Him. 

Yummy salted roast pistachios... 

Thought the coleslaw looked pretty... 

What an incredible variety we have to choose from! And we thank the Lord for it all. 

Another pretty moon picture... 

But we never tire of seeing His creation do we! 

Including the beauty on a corn plant... 

Thank you for adding that scripture sister. Yes we know from what we can see in creation and what is recorded in His Word of some of the greatness of our mighty God! 

Well sisters...I hope today you are... 

strong in the Lord, 

holding fast, 

not growing weary in well doing, 

resting and trusting in Christ, 

being faithful and diligent in your works, 

loving God first, 

patiently waiting for Christ, 

cultivating a meek and quiet spirit, 






...and everything else we know that pleases God! 

I'm glad for sisters who truly love God and are zealous for Him and good works. We can see the evidence, the fruits, of a transformed heart and mind, born of the Spirit. And that changes everything in our lives doesn't it sisters. Not one area goes untouched as the Spirit convicts us and we test all things, rejecting the evil, clinging to the good. And it affects our relationship with people around us too. Some may respect us, others ignore us, others hate us and speak against us, and we know to not be surprised about death and torture for Christ. We know we're pilgrims and strangers here...not living for the kingdoms of this world (which are satan's) but for God's eternal kingdom. 

Hope your day is a good one in the Lord sisters! As long as you're strong in Him and striving on...that's the most important part! And may we all do our work as unto the Lord. We as godly women trust many things into the hands of God. We can't change people or circumstances...except to live our godly life doing what we should. And sure that can impact others either without a word as in 1 Peter 3 and bring conviction on them or by the gospel and truth we may share with others. But so many things are outside of our control...let us give these all to God! 

Have a peaceful joyful day sisters! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

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