Today's Encouragement (3 February 2022)


Greetings to my sisters in Christ! 

Hope each of you are doing well in the Lord. And I mean that, especially when you get reminders of how few there are truly following the Lord. Hold fast sisters! 

And we sisters who are connected sometimes remind each other about always meaning what we do say. We can easily say things that we don't really mean or just don't think but we want our words to not be empty ones. 

Reminds me of this... 

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

Matthew 12:36-37

That's powerful right being justified or condemned by our words. We know we speak (or write) what is in our hearts. And we also know someone's words may not be sincere...but God knows the heart and no one can fool Him. 

Makes me think of this too... 

Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

James 2:24

Our words would also be a part of our works...good or bad. We sisters want them to be good ones that justify our true faith in Christ. We don't want them to be ones that deny our faith in Christ (I was reminded of the fact that God calls a lazy believer, not providing for their own household, denying the faith and worse than an unbeliever.). 

Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.

Colossians 4:6

I was also thinking about how man-centred our culture, and also what is called Christian, is. It's often about God just loving everyone and wanting the best life for them now. It's not the case at all where we are told we will be hated for His names sake and must deny ourselves. Our life is to's not down here. Lets remember that sisters! But of course our Father is a good father and does give good gifts to His children. (Are you His child and have you tested your faith? See the gospel explained more here.) We sisters have way more than we can ever deserve in Christ and all He has done for us. Let's remember that too! 

I read some scriptures to encourage us sisters today... 

Garden blessings... 

You can find a recipe for this Tuna Pasta I posted here

Pretty evening light and flowers... 

God's earth He created. And we women want to fulful the role He created us for. 

Thank you sister for these picture gifts... 

What a reward we get for fearing be blessed of the Lord! We know from Matthew 5 who Jesus said is blessed. That's always encouraging...because it isn't who the world would call blessed. But we know God's ways are usually the opposite of the world's. 

Our God is in control. 

OK sisters...time for me to go and get onto some other good works before my day runs out. Hope yours is a good the Lord sisters. He is our life and our hope and our peace in a dying dark world. Keep shining your lights brightly! 

Love in the Lord, 

Sister Michaela 

Find the gospel explained here