Today's Edification (20 November 2024)

Greetings sisters! 

God gave me another day to be back here sharing some edifying! I hope you're all doing well wherever you are on this earth. God knows who His children are and He sees us all!

Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
2 Timothy 2:19 

That is a comfort! His children may be few and far between but He watches over us and cares. And if we go through trials that does not mean He has forsaken us by any means. Think of all the saints of old went through and our Saviour Himself. But we surely want to endure faithfully through all things He allows for us. Keep pressing on right where you are sisters! 

I was pondering on shamefaced and other things that we godly women want to be in obedience to our Lord. We are so blessed to have His ways to guide us. They are always best! So I'm just sharing a few things. I'm sure I have before but we can do with reminders can't we! 

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
1 Timothy 2:9

We may be able to get a little better understanding in reading the definitions, though of course those are not inspired by God. 

And we can see the same word in this scripture translated into reverence and which all are to have towards God. 

Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.
Hebrews 12:28-29

And in the first scripture it is used in context of our clothing so it gives us some ideas of how we may not be shamefaced if we are adorning outwardly. And it will affect also how we relate to others...perhaps men in particular. And no doubt to God. We submit to Him in fear which is the beginning of wisdom. May we also clothe ourselves in humble reverant ways. We know the pattern in scripture from the beginning is loose covering and concealing garments as well as here it mentions more specifically for us women. 

And here is another word used right near it... 

It has the idea of self control doesn't it. Moderation and sanity. 

I am sharing another scripture that describes how godly women are to be... 

But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
1 Peter 3:4

The 'hidden man of the heart'...and a 'meek and quiet' spirit'. This is of great price to God. No it may not be of great price to many humans who love to express themselves in pride, seeking attention and praise of man, and even common lascivious ways we see in this wicked world. But God's daughters are different as they walk in His pure and blameless ways! So through all these scriptures we can get a better picture of who God wants us to be! 

And while in Christ we are all one and equal, men and women, there is clearly a difference, from the beginning of creation even. 

For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 

For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:26-28

We see this... 

But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
1 Corinthians 11:3

It is the order of authority that God has ordained. And so we see this too... 

Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
1 Timothy 2:11-12

She is to have an extra quietness about her and indeed in the body she does not teach the men or have authority over them. 

And none of this means a woman can never say a word to a man of course but she is to be shamefaced and have that meek and quiet spirit and demeanor. It is reverence and respect. And obedience to God first and foremost. It is not a picture of loud and bold and unashamed is it. No it is the opposite of that. 

We can see Jesus and His interactions with women and how He never expected them to be completely silent of course otherwise He wouldn't have spoken to them. It's just a balance as we know women can have a tendency to speak (or write) a lot and so we just do our best to keep in our each situation. And this would be particularly with men as of course women, sisters, can talk freely of all good pure and true things together! But we sisters also don't teach women in general in doctrines and things though of course it's good to talk about the truth and share the hope of the gospel if God gives us those opportunities! 

We know the type of duties as in Titus 2 that He gave to us and so let us be thankful and content in them and that may well be a very quiet life but again God's word tell us that is good! We can rejoice to do things that are pleasing to Him and go forth doing our duties unto Him! Truly this is our faith in Him! 

And yes absolutely we still can be a bright light first of all by obeying the Lord ourselves and also being ready to give an answer of the hope we have...again with meekness and fear as the scripture says. So it's not to think women don't have great roles as those God gave are the best but sometimes we may think we have to make things happen or be doing greater works. But God's will is what He has laid out for us in the Word. Again as I keep saying...God's ways are not man's! Let us never think we know better or can do things our own ways. 

Just good to ponder and refresh on all His ways for us! May we keep walking in them whatever life we do have. Hold fast in the truth and if the Lord wills I will be back tomorrow. The Lord gave me safe travels and so I have some different duties again. Love to you in His name. 

Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 6:23


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