Today's Edification (20 May 2024)

Greetings again my sisters! 

I hope you are pressing on after the Lord today! Let's remember all our many blessings and go forth in thankfulness for all He has done and blessed us with! We sisters are the richest women on earth! Yeah the millionaire and billionaire women are the poorest really. They will stand before God with nothing and having lost their soul gaining the world, having no treasures laid up in heaven. 

Pretty day God gave... 

Getting back to working on the shirts I still haven't finished... 

And hopefully I can sew some skirts for my store in the near future also. We just do what we can right sisters and go with it! 

I am going to talk a bit about tiered skirts today. And share what I have been thinking about them lately. 

First off, I'm going to say I am now personally convicted to not sew them anymore. Or wear them. For now at least and keep observing and testing. 

Secondly, I'm not condemning any sister who wears them. Absolutely not. You can make your own judgement in things that are the practical applications of scriptures. 

So I had been thinking about them for a few months actually. Wondering if they're somehow to do with 'putting on of apparal' that the scriptures forbid and thinking of the (unnecessary?) effort they are to sew. Then I get this email from a woman I didn't really know (except she had asked me some questions about what I believed earlier). She sends this short email saying. Well I'll just share it all here... 

To say that's coincidence with what I had been already thinking...I think not. So now I had received outside evidence that tiered skirts could be seen as possible adornment. So that got me really pondering and praying. And it's just important to me as I have a sewing store so I want to explain it better rather than simply stopping wearing them myself and I wouldn't need to say anything here then really. 

I also know how they are much harder to sew and that may not be redeeming the time the best I can. Clothing just needs to be simple...nothing complex! Why bother with all the extra steps? To what purpose is it? Why weaken the fabric with unnecessary seams also? So that's my personal conviction also to not spend the extra time on them. Makes me think of this scripture... 

Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.
John 6:27

Then I saw this tired skirt in a store and you see in the extreme, what is going on. They're just tiers but it is actually a form of adornment. 

And this is just pictures off the internet to illustrate my point in the extreme to what could happen... 

Let's be honest, the eye likes gathers and frills and ruffles. For curtains...great but just an area to be careful in lest we end up clothing our temples in them for reasons more than just to clothe or because something 'looks better'. Yes it's good to hide the form and if a tiered skirt helps you do that and that's your reason for it that's your choice. We just know we are to wear a let down robe-like garment and not to be outwardly adorning we each do have to conform to that however we do. 

So that's where I'm at on the tiered skirt. Just not sewing any more or wearing them. 

I also don't want to sew or use knit fabric anymore (since that was knit fabric I sewed into tiered skirts for the most part). I don't see any real benefits to it. It can show the form more easily and clings no matter how you may sew it...especially when you sit down and I found I had to wear a slip with them to help prevent that anyway.) And also knit fabric is more difficult to sew with. 

Just because a skirt is plain doesn't mean it's biblical, like I wouldn't sew these skirt styles either as I see them as being worldly and prideful and adorning... 

Nothing wrong with plain skirts like these instead... 

Hope that all makes sense what I shared and why I think that way now. I will stick to sewing and wearing simple aline or gathered skirts (unless there was a really good reason someone needed a tiered skirt which I can't honestly think of any at the moment). And let's get on with life serving the Lord and not getting entangled in focusing on 'food and raiment'. 

The Lord be glorified in His daughters who adorn with good works and meek and quiet spirits!

Reminds me of this scripture... 

Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin. 
Romans 14:22-23

I don't want to do something I have doubts about. And I don't need to sew or wear those types of skirts. The world is enamored by this and that pattern and new styles and fashions but not the godly humble woman. 

I still love and unite with my sisters who wear tiered skirts of course and shame on anyone if it ever became a point of contention as some people even wrangle over such small things that we can't know for sure is sin or not but is personal conviction or preference. I've seen honestly way too much of it...things being called sin that people aren't even aware of, or are personal convictions, it's all so vague. If you sin you should know about it. If someone steals something, you either did or you didn't. If someone is seen and heard coveting another persons things...they either did or they didn't. If someone told a lie (a deliberate untruth) they know it. If a woman doesn't cover her head she doesn't and everyone knows and sees. But yet people tell other people they're going to hell for all these so called sins they don't even know about. It's just strange to me. We're all condemned and most hopeless if it's like that. Lord, have mercy on us. Let us trust in Him to pull us out of this deceived world. Let's do our best though sisters...with humble sincere hearts. 

There's so many discernments we need to make but we can't always hold other people to them. We must for things that are so clearly written but in everything else we need to be careful. 

God knows and will deal with it all. Trust in Christ for salvation sisters and do repent of all sins you know of as we know willful sin leads to death. And we have every opportunity to seek out the truth in His Word and will have no excuse for not being diligent in it and faithful with what we do know. 

Love of the world is actually a big one that covers many things. If we love and participate in what it does, it's entertainment, it's fashion, it's music, it's sports, it's holidays, then we love the world and the love of God isn't in us. We can't serve two masters. 

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 

For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 

And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

1 John 2:15-17

Let us root out the depths of loving this world and keep seeing what it means to lose our life for Christ. He is worthy! 

I tried roasting pumpkin seeds... 

They were really good actually! (That's all the seeds out of one pumpkin...and it came from just one tiny seed itself!) 

I just washed and dried them, sprayed them with oil and then sprinkled them with this... 

And roasted in 160 degree c oven for about 30 minutes. The main pumpkin variety we have has giant seeds and I don't think those would work but the ones with small seeds are better. But I might try them:-) 

I'd share yummy apple honey cake with you... 

Lol using sprouted onion tops instead of spring onions in a recipe... 

Soup with pumpkin, and tuna cakes with pumpkin too.... 

Yeah everything's got to have pumpkin and onions in around here pretty much for awhile. Good blessings from the Lord! 

Just various glimpses into my day. I like seeing what my sisters are up to, so maybe you do too:-) Just various duties of godly women to be helping and serving and keeping the home etc. 

The peaceful moon shines brightly over my little refuge... 

Many good things we each have in this world. Let us be....THANKFUL!! 

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
Colossians 3:15

I have been emailing about truth with a woman and giving an answer and it really made me see again how far I've come from where I was. Just thinking of the mountains of change of belief and heart you have to have coming out of false Christianity. Glory to God for showing me the truth and transforming my life into the truth of the written word and not following the culture, the world, or deceptions of our day. We know it is the Spirit who convicts and leads us into the truth. If you're ever being discouraged somehow sisters maybe really ponder deeply where you have come from and all the beliefs and actions that have had to be brought into line with the Word. And this may be especially necessary if someone has told you you're not transformed or changed by the gospel. Remember all God has done for you sisters and give Him the glory and let it not be stolen! And remember how far the Lord may grow you still to be more refined for His use and glory! And often that comes through trials so embrace them sisters and don't run away! Stand strong and let God grow you through them! Let's let Him keep doing a work in us as He is the Potter and we the clay! So grow not weary in well doing! Nor faint under His loving correction! 

Hold fast each of my sisters! Hold fast to Christ our only hope of eternal life! Lord willing I will be back sharing tomorrow. We know nor what each day may bring forth...but our God does. Let us trust in Him with childlike faith. 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

Find the good news to eternal life explained here

My biblical clothing shop here