Today's Encouragement (2 August 2023)

Greetings godly sisters!

I hope you're strong in the Lord and not growing weary in well doing! 

Beautiful morning kitchen window view... 

God's mercies are new every day and it's like we get a fresh start isn't it. The day before and any troubles in it are gone (well unless something is ongoing) and we keep looking ahead yet still mostly taking each day as it comes. Jesus said not to worry about tomorrow as there's enough to deal with today didn't He. 

I had a cleaning job to do... 

Thankful for health and strength to labour in all sorts of good works. It's a great blessing and it could be taken away and we would need to be thankful and content still! 

Next scripture reading to edify... 

There's a lot in there about 'proof of love'. We know people can say they love either God or people with their lips and maybe do a few little things to make themselves think they love but we want to have godly love first to God which is obedience and to others which is similarly obeying how God says to treat others! 

My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

1 John 3:18

Let us have good and full proof of our love in full obedience to God...from which flows sacrificial love to others especially to the children of God. We love Him as He first loved us! It's all from Him and no man can boast in anything! 

Hold fast sisters and let's keep being on guard and crucifying the flesh and overcoming! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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