Today's Encouragement (12 June 2023)

Greetings sisters! 

Here's one more day and a new post to try my best to encourage my sisters to press on in the faith!

For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;

Hebrews 3:14

That big word...IF! Let's strive to endure stedfast in Christ until the end sisters! 

Next scripture reading to edify... 

Thankful for the truth in this world, specially in this age of so many lies and so much other sin. We are to be obedient servants to God and of righteousness! And we are to walk in newness of life and be dead to sin! 

I love cooking with spices God made... 

Colourful and tasty. 

And I'd serve my sisters a bowl... 

And we'd be thankful for daily bread!

And that's just physical bread but we live by every Word of God and Jesus is the bread of life. We can live by Him and through Him and praise God He intercedes for us with the Father! God has been so merciful to us and whenever we see tragedies in the world of death and really just reminds us that God is being merciful to us and everyone else who is alive and having a relatively easy life. We don't deserve what we have but we humbly appreciate it and are thankful to God the giver of every good thing. 

Well I hope you're seeking to love the Lord our God with all that you are and me here too. Hold fast in it all sisters! We can overcome and do all things we need to through Him! Greater is He in us than he in the world. It will be worth it all and He surely is worthy to be glorified by our lives bearing much good fruit! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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