Today's Encouragement (20 May 2023)

Greetings sisters!

I'm back as I received another day the Lord gave! Hope things are good with you and that you're striving on! I am here. 

Here's the next scripture reading to edify you... 

More awesome happenings in there of the gospel spreading as the disciples obeyed and didn't keep it to themselves! 

I love this scripture... 

Yeah...more to be desired than much fine gold! Yet most aren't seeking them as that at all. Let us be though and more and more as we grow! 

Thank you sister for sharing this one... 

That goes along with that scripture above too about fearing God. 

And another sister shared this one... 

And we know fearing God is the beginning of wisdom
And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.

Job 28:28

So if we fear God...we are truly wise aren't we sisters! The wisdom of the world is foolishness with God...and they think fearing God is foolish. But we believe what God says rather than man don't we...let God be true and every man a liar. 

It was a good day to get some seeds in the ground... 

And wait and hope for a harvest! And we must be patient also through the challenges of this life. One day we shall reap if we faint not! 

God sends the rains to grow the seeds... 

As He did a lot today! 

And He sends His sunshine on the righteous, and also on the wicked and their gardens and seeds they planted too. His mercy and longsuffering are evident. We hope people His goodness leads us to repentance but we know so few will count the cost. 

Let us strive hard and be willing to bear the cost no matter what...separation, misunderstanding, hatred, persecution, torture and even unto death. He is worthy! And it will be worth it all, our hope and reward to come! And let us also strive in the faith just because He is worthy to be glorified too! 

Hold fast sister soldiers and Lord willing I will be here again tomorrow. 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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