Today's Encouragement (18 April 2023)


Greetings sisters!

God is in control...and He gave us a new day to choose to serve Him and do many different good things in our day. I know my sisters are keeping occupied in many Titus 2/Proverbs 31 works. Praises to my sisters working unto the Lord no matter if anyone sees or is thankful for your work. God sees and knows and doing it all unto Him, it's never in vain! He will be the rewarder. All we do anyway is only our reasonable service because we are servants of the most high God doing what He has already told us to do and nothing more. But we do know what happens if we do not obey Him. He will rightly not be happy at all. 

Our hope is to come isn't it sisters...but we can rejoice about it as we strive on! 

Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
Psalm 2:11

More garden works today. 

A few apple blessings on the trees but not as many as last year. Thankful for any good food blessings we may receive. It's amazing how God made so many different kinds of just fruits for one example. 


Such deep blue sky...awesome!

Pretty tree in a sister's back yard... 

So many amazing creations to give Him glory for! 

Scripture to edify my sisters... 

Keep holding fast and standing where the Lord has called you sisters! Let's trust in Him for strength and to help us not grow weary in any good thing! 

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Galatians 6:9

We may not mean we're turning back away from the Lord if we grow weary but just not keeping doing what's right no matter what or if we face injustices or continual trying circumstances. We will reap a great reward if we faint not! Faint not sisters! Be strong! Stand! Do what's right no matter what and the Lord sees and we are only responsible for ourselves. Patiently endure until the end through all things sisters! Others have gone before us to receive their reward! We can His power! 

Love to you all, 

Sister Chayil 

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