Today's Encouragement (15 February 2023)

Greetings sisters!

Another day we have to serve the Lord and not our flesh or satan! Hope you're striving hard after our Saviour in this day we will never get again! This life is serious really...we only get one opportunity in our eternal destination. Isn't that sad that people will trade their short life here for an eternity of great sorrow. Let us press on with even more fervor after the Lord and His holy ways! I hope all my godly sisters are doing well! 

I've had a really busy day with Titus 2 and children minding and then travel back 'home'. 

Isn't the sound of waves so peaceful... 

(Quick break stop there at the lake on my 3 hour drive home. And sharing His creation with my sisters!)

I share some scriptures that sisters shared today. His Word is so good as He is good! 

I love knowing the truth. So many forget the severity of God don't they...just saying He is all love etc. His Word says it how it is. 

Amen...He is so merciful!! We do not deserve this. Let us live as His humble grateful servants! 

The Lord lifting up the humble...that's precious. We want to be in our rightful place compared to Him don't we. 

Yes let's keep striving until the end! 

Hold fast sisters! Lord willing I will be back tomorrow. Let us see what each day brings forth and accept the Lord's will for each one! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Chayil 

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