Today's Encouragement (6 November 2022)

Greetings in love to my sisters!

It's a good day to serve the Lord! What treasures we have if we know and follow Him! 

I'm sharing some simple Titus 2 pictures and blessings from my day... 

God's sunshine and fresh air doing what they do! 

As a sister said the other's the best job in the world being a godly woman. And it is! We get to be who and what we were created to be. We're not rebelling against our Maker. 

Putting on a slow cooked chicken... 

I love the pretty purple onions (well I guess they call them red but they look purple to me) anyway good creation blessings! 

God provides all sorts of good and healthy foods! And I just put them together in a way that can be eaten. Praise Him! 

Pretty view out the kitchen window... 
Another beautiful day the Lord gave! 

So let's keep remembering how blessed we are...even if the world might laugh at simply be godly women...God's daughters doing simple Titus 2 things! 

And thank you sister for sharing these scriptures... 

That's a great picture...wise as serpents and harmless as the midst of wolves too. He can protect us and give us wisdom and gentleness through it all! I was just thinking how God has a goodness and severity...and to a point we do too in that we are to have love to everyone but there is a time for us to be stern when someone is defending their sin or trying to get us to sin. It's not the same but still there definitely is a place for rebuking as well when needed. We stand firm for the Lord and are not budging for man. 

That's what Jesus said would be in the last days. And we see the lack of love today for sure. May it not be so amongst us sisters as love is to be a sign of His disciples isn't it. 

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

John 13:35

Bye for now sisters but Lord willing I will be back tomorrow. Keep striving on after the Lord with all that you are! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

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