Today's Encouragement (16 June 2022)


Hello sisters! 

How are you in the Lord? I'm hoping you're pressing on looking to the Lord and growing and overcoming in Him! 

(Thank you for that flower picture above sister! God's beautiful creation...yet another of them!) 

Just some pictures from my travels... 

(Traveling to my earthly sister's to help clean, cook and look after little ones and get ready for the arrival of a new one!) 

I appreciate the pumpkins that have a lot of 'meat' in them and not many seeds. This type is great and tastes great and is such a blessing. 

God is good to give us so many good foods to eat and keep us going serving Him! 

I have a psalm reading to edify us...

Hope that edifies you today! 

Thank you sister for sharing that! How wonderful to thank the Lord for the holy saints we know who love the Lord and are striving on! 

I've got to go now. Hold fast sisters! Christ is worthy of everything! Praise God we can know Him and His truth! 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

Find the gospel explained here.