Today's Encouragement (10 June 2022)

Greetings sisters who love the Lord! 

I'm back again and sharing some simple encouragement for this day the Lord gave to us! He owns everything and He gave us breath and we want to give Him all the glory for it and not take any ourselves. 

Thank you sister for making these scripture pictures for me! It was kind of you because you knew I was extra busy. I appreciate my sisters very much and you're all doing good works in whatever calling you have. And we all love the brethren in ways that we can as we know love isn't just words but deed and truth. 

In these pictures, we can think on God's faithfulness (and other things too!). 

We serve a good merciful longsuffering faithful God! And Who made awesome creations too! What a great blessing to serve such a wonderful God and to know His Son who is our Saviour from sin! He sets us free in the truth! 

Peaceful creations on my trip home... 

And thank you sister for sharing these scriptures too... 

That's one to ponder deeply and accept especially in hard times. But we trust that what He says is true! And sometime we also see ourselves how things we didn't want to go through and thought were 'bad' actually we saw as good ourselves. But we accept that God knows best! 

I love that...grace to those who love Jesus in sincerity. 

Hold fast good soldiers of the Lord. 

Love in Christ,

Sister Michaela 

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