Today's Encouragement (6 April 2022)


Greetings to my sisters!

Aren't those flowers so cheery looking! A sister took the picture but I 'borrowed' it to share here (thank you sister:-). 

Well I hope my sisters are strong in the faith! Hoping all your duties are going well too! 

I read Ephesians 1 to edify us here... 

Praise God for all His Word and that we are blessed to have as many copies as we want electronically and printed and that it's not illegal to have bibles in our countries. And I'm sure we will be held responsible for what we do have and how we used it. 

See some pretty little butterflies I saw here... 

So beautiful creations! 

Pretty apple blessings too... 

And little carrots doing well... 

And big ones... 

Made into pumpkin carrot soup... 

And had with fresh bread... 

God provides our daily bread and so much variety in the foods we can choose from. But we sisters definitely want to be thankful and content with simple necessities. 

Thank you sister for adding the scripture to the raindrop picture I sent. I love that scripture don't you! 

Reminds me of this one... 

As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things. 

2 Corinthians 6:10

We definitely have the true riches in Christ and such a blessed hope to come in Him! 

May the Lord bless you my sisters who do the Father's will. Hope your day in the Lord is a good and prosperous one in all you do. And even if you don't get what you wanted to done just remember what really matters and that you are striving on in the things of God and holding fast in the truth. 

Love in Christ,

Sister Michaela

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