Today's Encouragement (23 February 2022)

Hello sisters! 

Hope each of you are strong in the Lord and not being swayed by the deception and compromise around us. Also hope your good works and servant and helper duties are going well whatever they may be. Keep doing your works unto the Lord sisters! He sees. 

What a mighty God we get to serve. It's not something to be taken lightly at all is it? 

A few sisters have been sharing how we must see things as God sees things and says about things. We have to see people who reject God for who they are and we know the wrath of God is over them lest they repent. What grace and mercy He is showing now but we know a day of reckoning is coming. And so we keep standing for the truth and hope others will also repent and come to the knowledge of the truth. 

Here's some sister sharing from today... 

I appreciate all the sharing and edifying that goes on with the saints I know. What a great blessing to be in the company of those who love the Lord as I do. How blessed we are to share and be willing to learn and grow in the Lord. And so as we've been sharing about how we need to see the world and everything and everyone in it through a biblical perspective. We can all learn more depths of all kinds of areas in this Christian life as we go through it. And we get to see many things from the lives of other saints and what not to do and what to do as well. 

Today I tried some tomato sauce in the slow cooker... 

I think it worked well. Obviously it is concentrated down and doesn't make much but another way to make another useful product from the blessings God provides. Actually I used some tomatoes that a neighbour gave us from their surplus so we have plenty! 

And I was preparing for when the next big batch of pears ripens soon... 

Pear smoothie... very good! 

What great blessings we have been blessed with. May we all be thankful for what we each have...because I'm quite sure it's more than bread and water. 

Thank you faithful sister for these scripture picture gifts... 

Amen I love that. May we all find our refuge in Him...trusting in Him and being strengthened in His truth. 

What great hope we have in Christ the Light! We can be so grateful for the good news that He came into the world to save us from our sins. And now we follow after Him! 

Ok sisters I must leave it there. Hope you each hold fast and keep growing and thriving in the Lord. And hopefully your good works which we all are to be diligently following go well as well. 

Love in Christ, 

Sister Michaela 

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