Not Growing Insensitive to Sin

Good day sisters! 

How are you today? And I mean that too, whether in your physical or spiritual life. And the best we can be is striving after the Lord and overcoming our flesh and walking in truth. Hope you all are and I know some of you who are. Maybe there's someone reading who I don't know but I hope you are seeking all truth too! If we endure and overcome we have God's promises of the hope to come! 


For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

Hebrews 10:36


I was thinking of something sisters. One of my siblings once went through bee venom desensitization (or whatever it's official name is). And that's where they inject a great deal of bee venom into you over some years' time (if you are allergic to bee stings) so in theory you don't react badly when a bee does sting you. I'm not sure if it works totally but the body gets used to it and doesn't develop an allergic reaction anymore. And you probably know where I'm going with this...into spiritual similarities. We don't want to become hardened or insensitive to sin do we sisters. 

Reminds me of this commonly used verse... 

But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

Hebrews 3:13

How saints can help each other to not become hardened. We know how we could become desensitized to sin with it being all around and living with this flesh of ours. I'm so thankful we have the Word and the Spirit, and few though they be some of God's remnant to help press us on! 

We came into this world with nothing. The Lord gave us life by our parents and the Lord can take our life away too. But we were born into this wicked fallen world. And we all have different families and upbringings but we know that man is fallen and has a tendency to go astray...from young. We may have been born into a worldly family, or a religious one or whatever. But either way we are not automatically born into God's kingdom are we sisters. No that takes the new birth, becoming a new creation, via Christ's gospel. 

Living in a wicked world we have had sin all around us and it was entering our life through our eyes, or ears, and with our flesh and our thoughts and minds we grow desensitized to it over time. We know we live in a culture that is pumping out vile wickedness. We may or may not have been spared from some of it growing up when we couldn't make our own choices. Now as believers, we do what we can to stop all that pouring into our lives don't we. We control what we can, what we look at, and what we spend our time on, our environment, where we go etc. 

But we know this culture has little by little got to the point where many don't think anything of lies, of vileness and immorality, of murder or of walking around mostly naked. Or things like women showing their hair and being in postitions of authority and leadership. And many false so called Christian traditions have crept in. People's consciences have also been deadened by not heeding them and we know God can turn people over to a strong delusion. 

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12

But there is hope! We have God's eternal Word and He is our standard of holiness and we must get back to what He wants and shows us is right mustn't we. 

So all I'm really saying is we see that the world is not sensitive to sin...and that's what we came out of and fight against today (with the Spirit). We sisters fear God and so we know He hates sin and He has told us what sin is. We are so blessed to have His Word and we can obey what He says. We want to not grieve this great God who has purchased us with a price. 

And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.

Ephesians 4:30

Let us be sensitive to sin, sisters. I so appreciate knowing you sisters who are as I strive to be too. We can grieve when we recognize sin or flesh, learn what we can, the Lord forgives when we repent and then we have to get going lest we end up in despair don't we. We can never be worthy enough can we...without Christ's blood. Praise God for His mighty power to forgive and cleanse us! Let us walk on in all His ways, striving hard, pressing towards that heavenly home with the Father and doing the works He would have us do here. 

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:14 

Thank you for the beautiful scripture pictures sister...God's creation and precious Word. And thank you for sharing the scriptures too. 

Amen. And what a blessing it is to have godly sisters to edify and truly love and care. 

Let us be His humble servants, sisters, doing our reasonable service unto Him. What a blessing we have to be His. 

Praise Him! 

Glory to God for all His creations that we get to partake of and praise Him for! 

Pretty pear tree flowers... 

And you can watch the sunset and listen to the birds with me... 

Praise ye the Lord. Praise, O ye servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. 

Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore. 

From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised.
Psalm 113:1-3 

And share a meal the Lord provided... 

So that is what I had to share today. I plan to be back tomorrow if the Lord wills. Sisters, even if this world seems filled with turmoil and darkness and sin we know our real home is above and all our treasures are there. We have to faithfully endure through and do the works the Lord would have us do until then! 

Let us strive to walk worthy of Him, sisters! He is coming back! Hold fast! 

Love in the truth, 

Sister Michaela 

You can find the good news to eternal life here