Headcoverings and Sewing Them


Good day sisters around the globe! 

I hope, one more day, you are in the Lord striving on in His ways, not giving up or being slowly lured away. Let us sister soldiers march on!

"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 3:13-14

Today I wanted to share some on how I sew and wear headcoverings. 


And we know the answer to that from God is, no. I will be doing (if the Lord gives me more days) a further post on head covering and why we are to do it etc from 1 Corinthians 11. I realise I don't have a specific post on it yet. But for today I share some of what I do. Head covering is to be a part of our everyday attire as godly women.

Yesterday I received this message reply from a woman I contacted from my sewing shop.

I had sent her the gospel and a link on why cape dresses are not biblical. (She had not contacted me direct at first but I read on her profile that she was after someone to sew her cape dresses and she had liked my headcoverings and so I reached out.). I then told her I don't sew cape dresses for that reason, (let alone the fact they are difficult to sew and I never tried). Praise God for opportunities to share truth with lost souls and we can use it as an example of what not to be.

I understand there are many people going around saying and trying to teach why Christian women dress "modest". But the main reason we are to dress and cover ourselves properly is because God commands us to after we sinned in the Garden. And if we obey God's commands, we are dressed biblically and that is different from human standards of "modesty", which change with time and culture. (You can see more of my posts on women's clothing here. God does tell us how to dress.). If a woman is a new creation in Christ through the new birth, then she will strive to obey God and not what she wants. 

And I know that most women who see that God does command a covering don't want to do it because of what people will think. But they must fight against their flesh and overcome. That woman who messaged me said she covered and wore a dress because SHE wanted to. Yes when I repented of not covering it was really hard in my flesh to start wearing one, but I love God more and so now my will has become God's will and I don't care about my flesh and would never do without my covering as that would bring great shame, and I don't want to. It will lead to death if we follow our flesh. 

"For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live."
Romans 8:13

Let us sisters kill our flesh and humbly submit to the Lord's will in all our ways and certainly not have the attitude of that woman. We do pray she repents and is delivered from the bondage of her flesh. 

I recently had some fabric I wanted to sew into headcoverings and I got most of them done. 

These are the type that I wear...a simple big square. 

Folded into a triangle... 

...with my hair up, and then tie a knot at the back...and hold it in place with clips or pins. The size of that square is around 80cms or 32 inches (I naturally don't have thick or very long hair so the size is fine for me.).

I sew a simple hem around the edges with my overlocker which prevents fraying and all that. 

I sell these headcoverings at my shop here.

And these ones I sewed are a little thicker fabric so will be nice and warm for winter (not that we get really cold here). They are made of cotton so they won't get too warm I think. 

And I had this big lightweight scarf which I chopped into two. 

And then cut to make a square. (Honestly, cutting squares must be one of the most challenging things to get right cause when you fold it into a triangle it doesn't line up if it isn't exactly square. I don't know why, it sounds simple but it's really hard even though I am blessed with a nice big cutting board with markers and lines. Anyway, I do my best and learn more patience:-)

And I had another really light weight big scarf which I tried for a headcovering. I will save that one for really hot days as it's a bit delicate for everyday wear:-)

And the fabric was too fine to do a hem...so I left it be. 

So to say that anyone can find something to wear to obey the Lord in this matter. I am sure there are other ways to do head covering in a biblical manner of sufficiently covering our head and hair but that works for me.

May we have a heart that says, "not my will but Thine be done" in this area and all others. 

I hope and pray you are all being obedient in this one area (and all the rest too of course).

"By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith."
1 John 5:2-4

Love in Christ
...until I write to you again...

from a daughter of His

See the biblical gospel here.