Scripture and Creation

God's creation pics from my week...all to the glory of God. He has not left us without much evidence of Him before our very eyes. To Him alone be glory and praise...for He has done all things well!...unlike us.

And praise Him for a wonderful Saviour who is mighty to save us from our sins! 

"By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name."
(Hebrews 13:15)

These awesome flowers are called "bottlebrush"...and I can see why too (perhaps I can try them out when I am cleaning the baby's bottles:-)

A rose...

...and a dandelion with an insect of some kind.

Some peaceful sheep...and a reminder that the Lord is our Shepherd, and we the sheep of His pasture. 
 "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:"
(John 10:27) 

Spot the city in this pic. Seeing it reminds me of Sodom and Gomorrah and also the tower of Babel. It is a work of man and the world and is full of wickedness. Lest they repent, they too shall perish no doubt...but isn't our God so longsuffering and merciful? But as in the scripture I added to it we, the Lord's people, don't need to fear man. to all the holy brethren.......
See the gospel/good news to eternal life through Christ here.