Overcoming the Comforts of Our Flesh

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." (Galatians 5:16)

When a woman is born again by the Spirit via the biblical gospel, she will want to obey God's Word in all things. Yes there will be a journey to get to that full maturity in obedience as we fight to overcome our flesh for the Lord, but we ought to grow the more we study to see the Lord's will through His commands. 
If something is true in the Word, I want to fight for it even if it is hard for me. Christ is worthy of all glory and I do not want to give Him anything but my best. 
"But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
(1 Timothy 6:11-12)
All of God's daughters, once sinners, were not the same in character and nature and disposition etc before being born again. And neither will we all be identical as sisters in Christ, though we ought to be united and known to all by our love for one another. Yes indeed we will be very similar in Christ, but each one will have had (or have) their own areas of sin and character, flesh, to overcome. What is one sister's strength will be another's weakness and vice versa. 

We know the Spirit gives different gifts in the body also and so we ought to use them for His glory and the edifying of the body...the women in their proper order of course. So in the body of Christ we can all help each other to grow and pray for one another.
The comforts of our flesh; just sitting where you were and not growing in the Lord because it's hard to step out of your "comfort zone". It is lack of love for God and others and is selfishness. It is not wanting to be pushed out of our fleshly life of ease for the Lord or to serve others. A true woman of God will, if she knows something is true, do it and fight to overcome in the Spirit. If we are unsure then we compromise so we must study the Word and IF we are willing to obey in all things God will give us understanding and guidance and the strength to perform it all. This is spiritual growth and good fruit and not the false passive Christianity we see all around us.

Perhaps a few examples for a woman might be
  • not worrying what people think about dressing biblical and headcovering
  • keeping on serving others joyfully even if she is exhausted and weak
  • submitting to her husband even if she thinks differently on things that are not sin
  • not compromising in order to be accepted by other people rather than going alone, fearing God not man
  • speaking boldly on the Word when needed and also to share the gospel but yet not teaching and preaching like the godly men
  • not having a perfectionist mindset on things that do not really matter like housekeeping, cooking, or sewing etc
  • not telling someone the truth because we think it might hurt or offend them
  • and many other areas we may need to overcome our flesh in
All for the glory of God!
With Him.............all things are possible.

"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." (Romans 8:37)
Strive on hard for the Lord all you godly women! The Spirit will convict us if we fail and next time we will strive to do better being strengthened by the Word and by faithfully doing what is well pleasing in His sight according to His Word.